Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/251

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XX. Mind is divine Principle, reality, and can produce nothing unlike Himself, God, the eternal Love. The single divine Mind. Reality is harmonious, immutable, immortal, divine, eternal. Nothing unspiritual can be real, harmonious, or eternal. Sin, sickness, and mortality are inharmonious, are the opposite of Mind, and must be contradictions of reality.

XXI. The Ego is deathless and limitless, for limits would imply and impose ignorance. Mind is the only The Ego. Ego, or infinitude. Mind never enters the finite. Intelligence never passes into non-intelligence, or matter. Good never enters into evil, the Unlimited into the limited, the Eternal into the temporal, nor the Immortal into mortality. The divine Ego, or individuality, is all-inclusive Being.

XXII. Man was and is God's idea, even the infinite expression of infinite Mind, and coexistent and coeternal The real manhood. with that Mind. Man has been forever in the eternal Mind, God; but infinite Mind can never be in man, though made manifest through him. Man's consciousness and individuality are reflections of God. They are the emanations of Him who is Life, Truth, and Love. Idea was and is never material, but always spiritual and eternal.

XXIII. A portion of God could not enter corporeal mortal man; neither could His fulness be reflected by Indivisibility. him, or God would be manifestly finite, lose the deific character, and become less than God. Wholeness is the measure of the infinite God, and nothing else can express Infinity. God can only be reflected by spiritual, incorporeal man, not contained in mortal, finite man.