Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/324

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Christian Science, rightly understood, coincides with the Scriptures, and sustains logically and demonstratively Biblical facts. every point it presents. Otherwise it would not be Truth, and could not present its proofs. Christian Science is not made up of contradictory aphorisms, nor of the inventions of those who scoff at God. It presents the calm and clear verdict of Truth against error, uttered and illustrated by the Prophets, by Jesus, by the Apostles, as recorded throughout the Scriptures.

Why are the words, rather than the remarkable works of Jesus, more frequently cited for our instruction? Is it not because there are few who have gained a true knowledge of the great import, to Christianity, of those very works?

Sometimes it is said: “Rest assured that whatever effect Christian Scientists may have on the sick, it Personal confidence. comes through rousing within them a belief that these healers have a wonderful power, derived from the Holy Ghost, in the removal of disease.” Is it likely that church-members have more faith in some Christian Scientist, whom they have perhaps never seen, and against whom they have been warned, than they have in their own accredited and orthodox pastors, whom they have seen, and been taught to love, trust, and revere?

Let any clergyman try to cure his friends by their faith in himself. Will that faith heal them? Yet Infidelity. Scientists will take the same cases, and cures will follow. Is this the result of their faith in the Scientist, rather than in their pastor? I have healed infidels, whose only objection to this method