Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/355

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eternal. Jesus was the offspring of Mary's self-conscious communion with God. Hence he could give a more spiritual idea of Life than other men, and could demonstrate the Science of his divine Principle.

Born of a woman, Jesus' advent in the flesh partook partly of Mary's earthly condition; although he was Mediator. endowed with the divine “Spirit without measure.” This accounts for his struggles in Gethsemane and on Calvary, and this enabled him to be the mediator, or way-shower, between God and men. Had his origin and birth been wholly apart from mortal usage, Jesus would not have been appreciable to mortal mind as the Way.

Rabbi and priest taught the Mosaic law, which said: “An eye for an eye,” and “Whosoever sheddeth man's Retaliation. blood, by man shall his blood be shed.” Not so did Jesus, the new executor for God, present the divine law of Love, which blesses even those who curse it.

As the individual ideal of Truth, Christ Jesus came to rebuke rabbinical error, and all sin, sickness, and death, Rebukes. — to point out the way of Truth and Life. This ideal was demonstrated throughout the whole earthly career of Jesus, showing the difference between the offspring of Soul and of material sense, of Truth and of error.

If we have triumphed sufficiently over the errors of material sense to allow Soul to hold the control, we shall loathe sin, and rebuke it under every mask. Only in this way can we bless our enemies, though they may not so construe our words. We cannot choose for ourselves, but must work out our salvation in the way Jesus