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mournful occasion, a sad supper, taken at the close of Sad repast. day, — in the twilight of a glorious career, with shadows fast falling around; and this supper closed forever Jesus' ritualism, or concessions to matter.

His followers, sorrowful and silent, — anticipating the hour of their Master's betrayal, — partook of Heavenly supplies. the heavenly manna, which of old had fed, in the wilderness, the persecuted followers of Truth. Their bread indeed came down from Heaven. It was the great Truth of spiritual Being, healing the sick and casting out error. Their Master had explained it all before; and now this bread was feeding and sustaining them. They had borne this bread from house to house, breaking (explaining) it to others; and now it comforted themselves.

For this Truth their Master was about to suffer violence, and drain to the dregs his cup of sorrow. He must leave them. With the great glory of an everlasting victory shining already about him, he gave thanks, and said, “Drink ye all of it.”

When the human element in him struggled with the divine, our great Leader said: “Not my will, but Thine The holy struggle. be done!” that is, Let not the flesh, but the Spirit, be represented in me. This is the new understanding of spiritual Love. It gives all for Christ, or Truth. It blesses enemies, heals the sick, casts out error, raises the dead from trespasses and sins, and preaches the Gospel to the poor, the meek in heart.

Christians, are you drinking his cup? Have you shared the blood of the New Covenant, the suffer-