Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/388

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mental physician believe in the reality of matter, and he must admit also the reality of all its discordant conditions, which prevents his destroying them. Then he is even less fitted for the treatment of disease than the ordinary medical practitioner.

In proportion as matter, to human sense, loses all entity as substance, in that proportion does man become its Entity. master. He enters into a diviner sense of the facts, and comprehends the theology of Jesus, as demonstrated in healing the sick, raising the dead, and walking over the wave. All these deeds manifested Christ's control over the belief that matter is substance, that it can be the arbiter of life, or the constructor of any form of existence.

We never read that Jesus made a diagnosis of a disease, in order to discover some means of healing it. He The Christ treatment. never asked if it were acute or chronic. He never recommended attention to laws of health, never gave drugs, never prayed to know if God were willing a man should live. He understood man to be immortal, whose Life is God, — and not that man has two lives, one to be destroyed, and the other to be made indestructible.

The prophylactic and therapeutic (that is, the preventive and curative) arts belong emphatically to Christian Science; Medical devices. as would be readily seen, if psychology, or the Science of Soul, were understood. Material medicine is finding its proper level. Limited to matter, by its own law, it has none of the advantages of Mind.

No man is physically healed in sin, or by it, any more than he is morally saved in or by sin. To be every