Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/43

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Pantheism may be defined as a belief in the intelligence of matter, — a belief which Science overthrows. “In those days there will be tribulation such Antagonistic theories. as has not been since the beginning;” and earth will echo the cry, “Why art thou [Truth] come hither to torment us before the time?” Animal Magnetism, Atheism, Spiritualism, Theosophy, Agnosticism, Pantheism, and Infidelity are antagonistic to true Science, and fatal to the demonstration thereof; and so are some other systems.

We must abandon pharmaceutics, and take up ontology, — “the Science of abstract Being.” We must look Ontology. deep into Science, instead of accepting only the outward sense of things. Can we gather peaches from a pine-tree, or learn from discord the concord of Being? Yet quite as rational are some of the leading illusions along the path which Science must tread, in its reformatory mission among mortals. The very name, illusion, points to nothingness.

The generous liver may object to the author's small estimate of the pleasures of the table. The sinner sees, Reluctant guests. in the system herein taught, that the demands of God must be met. The petty intellect is alarmed by constant appeals to Mind. The licentious disposition is discouraged over its slight spiritual prospects. When all men are bidden to the feast, the excuses come. One has a farm, another has merchandise; and therefore they cannot accept.

It is vain to plead ignorance of this Divine Science, which destroys all human discord, when you Excuses for ignorance. can demonstrate its actuality. It is unwise to doubt if there is a Science in perfect harmony