Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/447

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into dust; but this is not so. Mortals waken from the dream of death, with bodies unseen by those who think they bury the body.

If man did not exist before the material organization began, he could not exist after the body is disintegrated. Ethics and pre-existence. If we live after death, and are immortal, we must have lived before birth; for if Life ever had any beginning, it must have also an ending, even according to the calculations of natural science. Do you believe this? No! Do you understand it? No! This is why you doubt the statement, and do not demonstrate the facts it involves. We must have faith in all the sayings of our Master, though they are not included in the teachings of the schools, and not understood generally by our ethical instructors.

Jesus said (John viii. 52), “If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death.” That statement is not Life all-inclusive. confined to spiritual Life, but includes all the phenomena of existence. Jesus demonstrated this, healing the dying and raising the dead. Mortal mind must part with error, must put off itself with its deeds, and immortal manhood, the Christ ideal, appears. Our faith should enlarge its borders and strengthen its base, by resting upon Spirit instead of matter. When mortal mind gives up its belief in death, it will advance more rapidly towards God, Life, and Love. Belief in sickness and death, as certainly as a belief in sin, shuts out a true sense of Life and Heaven from our experiences. When will mortals wake to this great fact of Science?

I here present my readers with an allegory illustrative of the law of divine Mind, and the supposed laws of matter and hygiene, wherein the plea of Christian Science heals the sick.