Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/500

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and so found to be unerring, until its absolute Science is reached. When this is accomplished, neither pride, prejudice, bigotry, nor envy can wash away its foundation, for it is built upon the rock, Christ.

Question. — Does Christian Science, or Metaphysical Healing, include medication, hygiene, mesmerism, or mediumship?

Answer. — Not one of them is included in it. The supposed laws of matter yield to the law of Mind, in Mindless methods. Divine Science. What are termed Natural Science and Material Laws are rules of mortal mind. The physical universe expresses the conscious and unconscious thoughts of mortals. Physical force and mortal mind are one. Drugs and hygiene oppose the supremacy of the divine Mind. Drugs and inert matter are unconscious, mindless. Certain results, supposed to proceed from them, are really caused by that faith in them which the false human consciousness is educated to feel.

Mesmerism is mortal, material illusion. Animal magnetism is the voluntary or involuntary action of error in Magnetism. all its forms, and is the human antipodes of Divine Science. Science must triumph over sense, and Truth over error, thus putting an end to the hypotheses involved in all false theories and practices.

Question. — Is not materiality the concomitant of spirituality, and is not material sense a necessary preliminary to the understanding and expression of Spirit?

Answer. — If error is necessary to define or reveal