Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/52

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to outsiders. He showed that diseases were cast out neither by corporeality nor by medicine, but by the divine Spirit, casting out the errors of mortal mind and body. The supremacy of Spirit was the rock on which Jesus built. His sublime summary points to the religion of Love.

Jesus established, in the Christian era, the precedent for all Christianity, theology, and healing. Christians New era in Jesus. are under as direct orders now, as they were then, to be Christlike, to possess his Spirit, to follow his example, and to heal the sick as well as the sinful. It is easier for Christianity to cast out sickness than sin; for the sick are more willing to part with pain than to give up sinful pleasure. The Christian can prove this to-day as readily as he could eighteen centuries ago.

Our Master said to every follower: “Go ye into all the world! . . . Heal the sick, and preach the Gospel to the Healthful theology. poor! . . . Love thy neighbor as thyself!” It was the theology of Jesus which healed the sick and the sinful. It is his theology, in this book, and the spiritual interpretation thereof, which heals the sick, and causes the “wicked to forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts.” It was our Master's theology which the priests sought to destroy.

From beginning to end the Scriptures are full of accounts of the triumph of Mind over matter. Moses Marvels and reformation. proved this, by what men called miracles. So did Joshua, Elijah, and Elisha. The Christian era was ushered in through signs and wonders. Reforms have commonly been attended with bloodshed and persecution, even when the end has been brightness