Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/563

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life. The propagation of their species, by butterfly, bee, and moth, without the customary presence of male Methods of reproduction. companions, is a discovery corroborative of the Science of Mind; because these discoveries show that the origin and continuance of certain insects rest on a Principle apart from sexual conditions. The supposition that life germinates in eggs, and must decay after it has grown to maturity, if not before, is shown by divine metaphysics to be a mistake, — a mistake which will finally give place to higher theories and demonstrations.

Creatures of lower forms of organization are supposed to have, collectively, three differing methods of The three processes. reproduction, and to multiply their species sometimes through eggs, sometimes through buds, and sometimes through self-division. According to recent lore, successive generations do not begin with the birth of new individuals, or personalities, but with the formation of the nucleus, or egg, whence one or more of those individualities subsequently emerge; and we must therefore look upon the simple ovum as the germ, the starting-point, of the most complicated corporeal structures, including those which we call human. Here these material researches culminate, — in such vague hypotheses as must necessarily attend false systems, which rely upon physics, and are devoid of metaphysics.

In one instance a celebrated naturalist, Agassiz, discovers the pathway leading to Divine Science, and A descent from grace. beards the lion of materialism in its den. At that point, however, even this great observer mistakes nature, forsakes Spirit as the divine essence of creative Deity, and allows matter and material law to