Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/567

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it is learned that matter is a manifestation of mortal mind, and that matter always surrenders its claim, when the perfect and eternal Mind appears.

Naturalists describe the origin of mortal and material existence in the various forms of embryology, and Embryology. accompany their descriptions with important observations, which should awaken thought to a higher and purer contemplation of man's origin. This consciousness must precede an understanding of the harmony of Being. Mortal thought must obtain a better basis, get nearer the Truth of Being, or health will never be universal, and harmony will never become the standard of man.

One of our ablest naturalists has said: “We have no right to assume that individuals have grown or been Assumptions. formed under circumstances which made material conditions essential to their maintenance and reproduction, or important to their origin and first introduction.” Why, then, is the naturalist's basis so materialistic, and his deductions generally material?

Adam was created before Eve. Herein it is seen that the maternal egg never brought forth Adam. Eve was All nativity in thought. formed from Adam's rib, not from a fœtal ovum. Whatever theory may be adopted by general mortal thought, to account for human origin, that thought is sure to become the signal for the appearance of that method in finite forms and operations. If consentaneous human belief agrees upon an ovum as the point of emergence for the human race, this potent belief will immediately supersede the more ancient superstition about the creation from dust, or from the rib of our primeval father.