Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/59

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method one may adopt, whether it is faith in drugs, in hygiene, or in some other minor curative.

Scientific healing has this advantage over other methods, — that in it Truth controls error. From this Advantage and mystery. fact arise its ethical as well as its physical effects. Indeed, these effects are indissolubly connected. If there is any mystery in Christian healing, it is the mystery which godliness always presents to the ungodly, — the mystery always arising from ignorance of the laws of eternal and unerring Mind.

Other methods undertake to oppose error with error, and thus they increase the antagonism of Matter versus matter. one form of matter towards other forms of matter. By so doing, mortal mind must continually weaken its own assumed power.

The theology of Christian Science includes healing the sick. Our master's first article of faith, propounded Healing lost. to his students, was healing, and he proved his faith by his works. The ancient Christians were healers. Why has this element of Christianity been lost? Because our systems of religion are governed more or less by our systems of medicine. The first idolatry was faith in matter. The schools have rendered faith in drugs the fashion, rather than faith in Deity. By trusting matter to destroy its own discord, harmony has been lost. Such systems are barren of the vitality of spiritual power, whereby material sense becomes the servant of Science.

Material medicine substitutes drugs for the power of God, — even the might of Mind, — to heal the Drugs and divinity. body. Scholasticism clings to the person, instead of the divine Principle, of the man Jesus to save,