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would give up her medicine for one day, and risk the effects. After trying this, she informed me that she could get along two days without globules; but on the third day she again suffered, and was relieved by taking them. She went on in this way, taking the unmedicated pellets, — and receiving occasional visits from me, — but employing no other means, and was cured.

Metaphysics, as taught in Christian Science, is the next stately step beyond homœopathy. In metaphysics A stately advance. matter disappears from the remedy entirely, and Mind takes its rightful and supreme place. Homœopathy takes mental symptoms largely into consideration, in its diagnosis of disease. Christian Science deals wholly with the mental cause, in judging and destroying disease. It succeeds where homœopathy fails, solely because its one recognized Principle of healing is Mind, and the whole force of the mental element is employed through the Science of Mind, never sharing its rights with the weak things of matter.

Metaphysics, in Christian Science, exterminates the drug, and employs Mind alone as the curative Principle, The value of homœopathy. acknowledging that the divine Mind has all power; but homœopathy mentalizes a drug with such repetition of thought-attenuations, that it becomes more like mortal mind than like the substratum of mortal mind, called matter; and its power of action is proportionately increased.

If drugs are part of God's creation, which (according to the narrative in Genesis) He pronounced good, then The origin of drugs. drugs cannot be poisonous. If He could create drugs intrinsically bad, then they should never be used. If He creates drugs at all, and designs