Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/91

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The remote cause, or belief, is not more dangerous, because of its priority, and the connection of past mortal thoughts with present, — than the predisposing and exciting cause.

Perhaps an adult has a deformity, produced, thirty years ago, by the terror of his mother. That chronic Deformity. error is more difficult of cure than an acute injury, unless we wrest it from mortal mind, and base the cure on Science, or immortal Mind, to which all things are possible.

Mortal mind, acting from the basis of sensuous belief in matter, is animal magnetism; but mortal mind, Animal magnetism destroyed. contradicting itself, must finally yield to the divine Mind, expressed in Science. In proportion as we understand Christian Science, we are freed from animal magnetism; and we disarm sin of its imaginary power, in proportion as we gain this spiritual understanding.

Ignorant of the methods and the basis of metaphysical healing, you may attempt to unite with it hypnotism, spiritualism, electricity; but neither of these methods can be mingled with metaphysical healing.

Whosoever reaches the understanding of Christian Science, in its higher significations, will Sudden cures. perform the sudden cures of which it is capable; but this can be done only by taking up the cross, and following Christ in the daily life.

Science can heal the sick who are absent from their healer, as well as the present, since space is no obstacle to Mind. Immortal Mind heals what eye Absent patients. hath not seen; but the spiritual capacity to apprehend thought, so as to heal by the Truth-power,