Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1898).djvu/93

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ting law of Life. This is the seed within itself, bearing fruit after its kind, spoken of in Genesis.

Physicians generally deport themselves as if Mind were non-existent; and they may even take the ground, contrary to metaphysics, that all is matter, not Mind. Ignorant that the human mind governs the body, through belief, the invalid may unwittingly add more fear to the reservoir already overflowing with that emotion.

Doctors should not implant disease in the thoughts of their patients, as they so frequently do, by declaring Wrong and right way. it a fixed fact, even before they go to work to eradicate the disease, through the material faith which they inspire. Instead of furnishing mortal thought with fear, they should try to correct this turbulent element of mortal mind, by the influence of that loving Truth which casteth out fear.

When man is governed by Spirit, the ever-present God who understands all things, man knows that to Spirit all things are possible. The only road to this affluence of Truth, which heals the sick, is found in the Divine Mind and Divine Science.

To reduce inflammation, dissolve a tumor, or cure organic disease, I have found Divine Mind more potent The important decision. than all lower remedies. And why not, since this Mind is the source and condition of all existence? Before deciding that stomach or head is disordered, one should ask, “Who art thou that repliest to Spirit? Can matter speak for itself, or does it hold the issues of Life?” Pain and pleasure have no partnership with matter, which can neither suffer nor enjoy; but mortal belief has such a partnership.