Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1906).djvu/267

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Footsteps of Truth

Error is not real, hence it is not more imperative as it hastens towards self-destruction. The so-called Error self-destroyed belief of mortal mind apparent as an abscess should not grow more painful before it suppurates, neither should a fever become more severe before it ends.

Fright is so great at certain stages of mortal belief as to drive belief into new paths. In the illusion of Illusion of death death, mortals wake to the knowledge of two facts: (1) that they are not dead; (2) that they have but passed the portals of a new belief. Truth works out the nothingness of error in just these ways. Sickness, as well as sin, is an error that Christ, Truth, alone can destroy.

We must learn how mankind govern the body, — whether through faith in hygiene, in drugs, or in Mortal mind's disappearance will-power. We should learn whether they govern the body through a belief in the necessity of sickness and death, sin and pardon, or govern it from the higher understanding that the divine Mind makes perfect, acts upon the so-called human mind through truth, leads the human mind to relinquish all error, to find the divine Mind to be the only Mind, and the healer of sin, disease, death. This process of higher spiritual understanding improves mankind until error disappears, and nothing is left which deserves to perish or to be punished.

Ignorance, like intentional wrong, is not Science. Ignorance must be seen and corrected before we can Spiritual ignorance attain harmony. Inharmonious beliefs, which rob Mind, calling it matter, and deify their own notions, imprison themselves in what they create.