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Science and Health

him how to bar the door of his thought against this seeming power, — a task not difficult, when one Indispensable defence understands that evil has in reality no power. Incorrect reasoning leads to practical error. The wrong thought should be arrested before it has a chance to manifest itself.

Walking in the light, we are accustomed to the light and require it; we cannot see in darkness. But eyes Egotistic darkness accustomed to darkness are pained by the light. When outgrowing the old, you should not fear to put on the new. Your advancing course may provoke envy, but it will also attract respect. When error confronts you, withhold not the rebuke or the explanation which destroys error. Never breathe an immoral atmosphere, unless in the attempt to purify it. Better is the frugal intellectual repast with contentment and virtue, than the luxury of learning with egotism and vice.

Right is radical. The teacher must know the truth himself. He must live it and love it, or he cannot impart Unwarranted expectations it to others. We soil our garments with conservatism, and afterwards we must wash them clean. When the spiritual sense of Truth unfolds its harmonies, you take no risks in the policy of error. Expect to heal simply by repeating the author's words, by right talking and wrong acting, and you will be disappointed. Such a practice does not demonstrate the Science by which divine Mind heals the sick.

Acting from sinful motives destroys your power of healing from the right motive. On the other hand, if Reliable authority you had the inclination or power to practise wrongly and then should adopt Christian Science, the wrong power would be destroyed. You do