Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1906).djvu/698

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Science and Health

not what they believed; and instead of spending my time telling others what a silly thing Christian Science is, I am now trying to find words to tell what a great and wonderful thing it is. I have been healed of so-called incurable spinal disease of ten years' standing by studying the Bible and Science and Health. Science and Health has been my only teacher, and I wish to send my thanks to our dear Leader.

There are no other Scientists near where we now live, but I have the Quarterly and study the lessons by myself. I have five small children, and Christian Science is invaluable to me in controlling them, and in overcoming their common ills. They often help themselves and each other to destroy their little hurts and fears. — Mrs. M. H., Oleta, Okla.


In the second chapter of First Peter, ninth verse, I read “that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.” The periodicals so wisely established by our Leader give us one means of showing forth the praises of Truth.

From the darkness of physical pain and weariness into the light of wholeness and joyousness in work and living, — from the darkness of a clouded sight into the light of clearer vision, — from the darkness of doubt and discord into the marvellous light of the reality of good, — this is what a reading of the Christian Science textbook has done for me.

At the time the book was lent to me, I was teach-