Page:Science and medieval thought. The Harveian oration delivered before the Royal College of Physicians, October 18, 1900 (IA sciencemedievalt00allbrich).pdf/17

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(Charles), Excursions historiques, Paris 1888 (and the Philosophie de St Thomas of the same author); Ampère, Histoire litt. de la France avant le xime siècle; Brucker's Historia Critica Philosophia (English Ed., 1791); Renau, Averroès, Paris 1866; the Philosophie périp. apud Syros; and the Peuples Sémitiques dans l'histoire de la civilisation, of the same author; Roger Bacon, Westminster Review, 1864, two Articles (by Thomas Marshall, M.A. Oxon.); Schmmidt, Essai sur les Mys- tiques du xIvme siècle; Benn, A. W., The Greek Philosophers, London 1882 (and many helpful essays in periodical literature); Zeller, Die Philosophie der Griechen, 1881 ; Krische, A. B., Theologische Lehre d. Griechischen Denker, Göttingen 1840; Ueberweg, Grundriss d. Gesch. d. Phil. des Alterthums, Berlin 1867; Gerlach und Traumüller, Gesch. d. physik. Experimentierkunst, Leipzig 1899; Rashdall's History of Universities; Haeser, Geschichte der Medicin, Jena 1875-82; Baas, J. H., Gesch. d. Medicin, Stuttgart 1876; Idem, Die geschichtliche Entwicklung des ärzt- lichen Standes, Berlin 1896; Charles Daremberg (all his works); Rousselot, Études sur la philosophie dans le Moyen Age, 1840; Pattison, Casaubon, 1875; Meunier, Francis, Essai sur la vie et les ouvrages de Nicole Oresme, Paris 1857.

Descartes, Epist. Cartes. 4to. Amst., 1668; Plumpius, Fundamenta Med. Fol. Lovan., 1652; Sylvii Op. Omn., 1679, p. 875; Haller, Elem. Physiol., 1757, 1. 3; Tiede- mann, Physiologie de l'horame, Paris 1831, 1. 41; Delle Chiaja, Instituzione di Anatom. e Fis. Comp., 1832,