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��EOiiib-etisterly direction. II was first noticed at tour o'clock, and remained in alglit over Lno hours. Ser- er»l persons were killed, and all properly was d«- Kro>ed nlong lu Irkclc. This view lias alrendy been publiaheil in yiiure and in ilie Comittetrendn', while its appearance here has been delayed on account of lU iiitvlng been copyrigliled. Although the destruc- tive efEecis of lomndoe* liave oflen been pliuto- grftpbed, we believe these are the first view* ever of the tornado lUelf. ISo others ••{ the kind found tti Uie grenl ecdipctioii of tornado ill nMrn- in the U.S. sieiial-ofHce at Waahlnginn. It Is onr readeia lo say that our knowledge of the

��sary physical and otber InvetilgAtlons for which the eclinse of the sun in that month will present n faror- atilc opportunity. "The ncenrrence," he says fur- ther, "of long-continued earthquake dislurbaneei In Tasmania during the past year, and the tendency they have lately exhibited to extend to the southern part of Australia, coupled with the proliabililj that thpy are Indicative of a neir centre of seismic action nut very (ar removed from the eastern porlion of liMBs's t^traits, suggest Ihe propriety of establishing sonie set sin omeler apparatus at our observatory; and 1 have nnw under consideration the question of the font) of apparatus iiest suited for Ihls locality."


��authenticity of Ihese two views depends simply on the lactt guaranty given by their owners, and that the second one especially bears evidence of having been somewhat ' touched up;' hnt, in any case, they are certainly unique. It la to be hoped that there may he additional examples reported of this new use of [be camera before the coming seaaon Is over.

— The veteran Chevreul, who is approaching the dose of the hundredth year of his age, presided il)« first week In January, In Paris, at a meeting of the new Student's association. It is needless to say tliat he was enthusiastically received. He spnkeof himself as being still merely a student.

— The government altronomer of the colony of

«>ria baa recommended that a parly be sent to 2SealMid next September to carry out the neces-

��— Mr. Lauth, Ihe superintendent <>t (he porcelain factory at Sevres, is said lo have discovered a new porcelain which Is far superior to the celebrated old Sfevres. After ten years' experiment and investiga- tion, he thinks he has produced a porcelain Identical with that of Cliina. Not only does it lend itself to artistic decoration, but it takes all hinds of glazes, and stu-passes in beauty the colors obtained In China.

— Our imperfect knowledge of the more obscure forms of marine life Is shown by ihe fact that a new parasitic copepod has just been discovered In the gill- lubes of the ordinary clam (Mya arenaria), and de- scribed in the jlinerfcan nafuralfst for February. It is rather large, and belongs Ui the group Poecilos- tomatn. The male Is found in a free slate In the nmntle cavity.

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