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tklsl czpetts to detennine the oo-tidd atrrw fiv Liocofai S«*, ukd Robesen and Keaoedjr

��The temperatnre of tk« sor&ee aet-waier was cweftlUr observed (htm October. ISSi.toJane, 1S83. The tnapenture Ml steadily from a mean of SS.i' in October, to 29* in Deocmber, and then rose steadOr to ii.A* in Jnne. The ebbiBK tide (to the north) was fton 0.1* to 0.2* ooUer than the fiowing tide, and its mean fer Deensber was 28.9*.

IhanaMfiagoriSS hthoms and do botlnai. ■idaar bei«ee a Ckpes M»j and Britannia, ts aiga iA e an t nf a diflfamt ocean along the north fout of Gmalud, fiom tttf shallow aea north of Ana, North ABerks. and Grinadl Land.

For ty -« i gbi swiaga, with acronpanTing time ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ftir-

��■ iihe d by the U. S. coaat and geodetic »

��•M Chailea S. I^ircc Ibr ledaetion and coo- {■riaon. I i^grM that continued menial and libyaieal w«akneaa haiw pwwind botc can- fal and ij 111 Hit ii treatment of thnae snbject*. Thia aomaaiy » now prvaenled. aa the ibbw- dMe htnrc peoaMwr no better results bam ay hnada. A. W. Gbsslt, U.S. armuf.

���^ In (bar of the re- '

f'w'gg tracks, the ^rt™""^ fore-feet show a ereaoent that ooaksoea with that of the lund- foot. Then is a roogh. frrodbea. inegalar ba%- ii^ oT the rock in and beUnd Uie boOow or the foot. dyii% away bnckward into the rar- tkfet. The great anioant of this woold ai^geat that the animal was ascending a wet slope.

Tbe appearmoee of slab No. 3 is so Uke Xo. 2 that they w«tc probably one oontiBiloas series. As seen in the figore, the fau^er im- pteaaon of the hind-foot mostly tondiea. and onee or twice somewhat overlaps, that of the foR-fool. which is evidently sack becanse its positioo Taiies relsliTely to the former. It has a aide angle fhxn tite tine of progreasioo. In the last (nppermost) leA feet, the foro-foot ivpenta Us print, tha«^ at Irst ^aace it kraks fike a jointed toe. All the imptesnoos are stn^ih; ovals (dDpaes) , deepest in the centre ; and sevcnl. as in the larger sepante figure, a shallow enr-sbaped impremaon on the ■anR forward baRkr, wbc^ in two, ibows slight leng lfa niae wrinUea. Tbe leA-mde Hacks ate less psfoet, as iflbe right feet partoTtbe anmeat

��In Xo. S there was aa im^ space 1 the beds in passii^ each other : in No. I.fittle

��Three of the aliba m» ■■ tte mnaenm of iowa eoOcge, GrmneiL Mm. z tte atfar. Nn. 2. tea hecM s«M to the

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