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the courts, both written and spoken proceedings are in English. In the examination of native witnesses, and in the reading of documents in the native language, the judges are allowed interpreters. In other parts of India, however, the provincial language is used, both in legal and in government transactions: thus, in Bengal, the Bengalese is employed; in Behar and the north-western provinces, the Urdu and Hindu dialects; in Madras, the Telugu and Tamil; the official language varying in accordance with the dialect used in each province. In law cases the magistrates have the privilege of declaring which dialect is to be considered legal. English-speaking officers (either Englishmen or natives) can use English in rendering their judgments, etc.; but they must be perfectly familiar with the native tongue, and use it in intercourse with the parties. Everywhere in the cantons, schools are organized in which elementary instruction in the provincial dialects is given: in all the more important places there are schools in which English is taught; and there are a smaller number of colleges in which those higher branches, usually taught in English high schools and colleges, may be studied. Besides these, there are a considerable number of colleges especially devoted to the study of eastern dialects. In this class are the midrassi (Mohammedan theological high schools, in which philosophy and science also are taught), and Sanskrit colleges and schools, a considerable number of which are at present encouraged and supported by the government. The use of the native dialects has always been encouraged by the English government; and in reference to this there has never been any agitation among the native population. But there are numerous associations with the declared purpose of protecting the interests of the natives; and thus it happens that the wishes of government which are in accord with the existence and spread of education among the natives, are at times supported by these associations. Petitions and presentations may he drawn up either in the official dialect of the province or in English. In reality, documents of this kind always receive consideration, whatever language is used.


From letters of one of the agents of the International African association, we gather the following account of the transportation of the steamer Le Stanley along the banks of the Kongo from the Atlantic to Stanley Pool. As the rapids in the river necessitated the hauling of this craft over the land, she was divided into nine sections, about eight feet by sixteen, each of which was mounted on a heavy iron wagon, especially designed for the purpose, which required, through the roadless country on level ground, some eighty Zanzibaris each to haul them. It will readily be understood that in such a hilly country considerable difficulty was to be met in managing these wagons; and the transportation has not been effected without many accidents. As many as twenty per cent of the men were generally incapacitated for work by broken limbs, or wounds, though only two were actually killed. This is a very small proportion, when the dangers are considered to which these fellows were exposed, which can be best imagined when one thinks of a wagon of iron, loaded with several tons of the same metal, running down a steep hill, almost or entirely beyond the control of its attendants. This down-hill movement was only attempted with some fifty men in front, and two hundred behind, exerting all their strength to check the speed. The negroes would always stand by the wagon as long as a white man did; but the minute their white superintendent or commander had let go, they followed his example with alacrity. The wagons were steered by three of the Zanzibaris, who, strange to say, always escaped, very possibly owing to their superior agility. On one of the down-hill movements, when a wagon got entirely beyond control, the wheels were broken off, and one was found sticking in the mud, but another was never seen again.

The steamer, which by this time is probably finished, is a clumsy affair, of great beam and light draught, about sixty-nine feet long. A clear idea may be obtained of the form of the vessel from the accompanying plans of the section containing the two boilers. When finished, the steamer will be eighty feet six inches long. Including the wheel, which is at the stern; and about the same beam throughout, excepting at the bow, which is of course tapering. The boilers are placed at the bow; and the machinery at the stern, acting directly on the paddle-wheel, eight feet four inches in diameter. Le Stanley is not a beautiful boat, but will serve a good purpose on the Kongo, where there were only a few steam-launches before her completion. Her capacity is large, and, when loaded, she draws only two feet of water.


The results of a series of trials of steam engines, tested without reference to the efficiency of the boiler, by Mr. J. G. Mair, and reported by him to the British institution of civil engineers, [1]will repay careful study

  1. Excerpts, lxxix, part 1.