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jiasiing rapiilly lliroiigli alcolml mid oil of doves, WiJl drying with pressure o( blot ling-pa per Toldecl four times, nnd mounting in Canatln balsam. In its


a. iieeaiid clMy ; b, tonnii Any,

��folluwing t«bla : — Koch'a bwUlua.

��F inkier' I bacillus.

��fon-H ■ ftinBe!-.hnp«l M»... dan eneto«lng»tjiihbleor«lr; lower p»rt of noedle-ITMt ra-

� �mtsly euHun-. gndmlly

�bllDg tfae Haget of ■

�HCdllln B whlt« il.r«ul. IDd


�Sur/acl-fullurf. — (AgM-

� �BarfiK'-ci^lturi. -

�ubllcpUutuo; liquid at bolUin

�■ear). Tb« ..une for<n mftornceniitotlme.achii


�litlc catTec-CDlorcd •Inl

� �pmn al Ibe bollom of

�/bfoW-owHuw- — OnljirroWB

�I'Btato-euttiirt. — (Jro

� � �(Sr C. ) , fotming a una iparenl,

� �■ll«MLy brown) ill tayor.

�BurfMB of potolo appe

��Babes and Crookshank have examined over one hundred pure cultures of Koch's bacilli of various ages and on varions media. The round boities fre- quently found, either alone, or accompanying flla- tnentous and irreguliir spirlillform developments of ilie comma bacilli, were found In all cases lo be per- fectly sterile. At the recent meeting at Muiitcb,

��von Pettenkofei' «i"l Emmerich bLtttrly opposed Eoch's coDclusioiis, nud inserted that his bacillus bad never been found in the raucous membrane of the liitesline. The drawing here glveu, lakea fri-m a section of inle-tine of a palienl wlio died of Asiatic cholera, nnd prepared by Babes and Crookshauk, — a preparation which I have seen many times, — is rather damaging to the Munich school.

I Iittvi' Severn! cultivations of the FInkler. Prior, and Iv"ch liacitli under observation, anil ihp. biologi- cal anil iiii>iplintoait'iil char.icterislics of encli nre dJs- tinct and tliurply di.'lined.

��Piatt tattitn.— Co Ion lea /tofa-cuAHri. — Co lunlci

falddy aoldeo red; InPgular, Uquefy plsUno muoh more

tndopu'd nmrglni. tapldly;&lnl,lirawnlili yellow

Unge; largar and rounder mat-

(ID, mil deansd.

Titbt.aiUiiirt.—¥\S- I, pnnc- I'ubt-aittHrt — Fig. 3, poBC-

lun Id nulrtaml gaUitlna. LIq- tare iDDDtrtonlgelatlua. Lin.

���toodday; I

�� ��Raptchie\ski (Wratcb., I8S5, No. 7) reports an in- teresting case from St. Petersburg. A miero>topic examination ot the dejectloiis showed, 1°, lotij: and narrow bacteriS) as found by Blenstock {ZelUchr. kltti. med., vol. viii.) in normal fecal matter, such as produce putrefaction in albuminous matter; 2°, chains of oval micrococci, simitar to the microbes found by the French commission {An^Mrtii de physi- oi., 1884, No. 4, pi. 11. flg. 0|; 3°, a bacillus esaclly similar to that deocrihed by Koch; 4°, another in greater quantity, found by Fiiikler and Prior in cholera nostras. HuUATto U. Bigglow, M.D.

The reddlah-browa ling around the sun. The ring of reddlab-brown color surrounding rbe sun, and euclosinea disk of glowing whiUsh light, to which Prof. G. IT. Stone called attention In Science for May S2, p. 415, has been most carefully studied by Kiessllng ot Hamburg, nlio has shown clearly that it is due to diffraction on minute particles sus- pended in the air. Careful obs«rver» siirce Lbst It was not seen before November, ISK(; but since then

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