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���[Vol. v.. No.

���Dvrs kill] Dolil tori

��the ialter, of Mongol-Turkish. I these four tribes, ihe DslicniBliIdW the most important. Thej' iro«« ^ merlyinucL more numerous To-day tbey number about Baiiil families, of trhlch fniir tlioiisHiA dwell nl Kushk, a place ni-xr Ibe sources of the rivoruf the sntn^ nanw: a thousand at Unla-Murgiitt: luid k thousand at Kiinikh. Moat of then lend alialf orwhollynonisilic lif«^. ami have adopted Turkish custoiDB, although faviinUile polille circiiiniitancua mlgbt eu&IJjr turn t' into peaceful, IndiistrioiiB citUriiK

Next tu these came the PlmKln whoHU territory extends from 1 Turkestan oa tha north, to the r-ot of the Ilnri'Iiud on the Miith. They nre also iit Iranian origin, and fall into two dinlinct sub-lribea, — the De mJM and the Mahmudis. They cotnpt ill all, eleven Ihousand famllteB, | their ihii-f town i> Kila Nnu {" T Fortress'), which really ties in ti rittiry of the Uazaras. At the pre time the tribe of the Deniais dw the mountain region, while the B mudiBoecupy the lowtanil. nieiils, fifty thunsand tamilie* ■ live in the region lying aouih «  Hari-Rnd, and, in?pile of theJr u ULkably Mung<>llaii urigin, have b eompletcly settled, ai reputation of being excellent < valors. The fourth meraber c ~ Tsheliar-Eimaka ia the tribe i Teiniurls, who inhabit the i part of the Baghix district, a' home at Pul-i-Kbatun, Qen ])ass of Zolfikar (a cut of which fa reproduced from the Lorutoii 1 trated netea), and along the eru boundary of Persia. TheynlH iihnut Hfteen thousand families, I form the ethnical element. SI which tirBt brought about the d I A liulween the two European ri

Taken all in all, the Inhat Herat form, indeed, the iMSt p element fur the des^s of a f conqueror; for they have h turned for centuries to foreign f and, with Blight eiceplions, i tile ec|ua11y to the Uzbek on the the Afghan on the south, and il sian on the weal. Their great litlcal ambition, the Independenea Herat, has seliloiu been realised; if DOW, when European conque extending to this part of ci either the ItuBsians or t sliould succeed in becoming <

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