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Aeronallllrj ciblbEUon, asj.

AsrDiuDtkM Id 1W4. 3K.

AulliFllo bcull^ InnrlmltiTBnen.UR.

Afj^Q baancUrj, it.

Atitaulnlan, map of, 491; Ruulin em-

buif u>. aat. Afiiu, ollnuts of, 630; ninedltion Inlo,

3S3; nplomtlon of, Mi; fooLjounicyi

iDluDd Hn iu, m ; n»p> of, *33 : politick

��Anlleoatl, Iroplul lunle od, 474. AnUqultia, KgypIlHD, BO. AnUqulty of Amuricmn mcei, ITB. AnllHptle inhiUiHoni. MO.



��3K; sUiulologlcBl fluhl

��nun, 380; Joumil of urcbiw- iiS; Juurul of nuUuimmtl«,


(MWla, 44: phlltMOphlu] wcicir, IIB; ruH, nolloDltyor, a7Bi Hululiiru, pre- falnorlo, la. ilS; ■oelnty of mlcroKo- plaU, prooaedlnn, rerlcTHl, 178; ftocl- etr tor piyefalaiTrDMiinti, IS. 44, U, 481.

��Ak», C. H. Tbe lticiuid»i Amhenl, pliyilciil IriUnlng

��by, III.

��ADnltquun leuldi- Uburaloi Anthony nnd Brwki'il'a

AntlirM, TKilDiiIInn for, 30* ABthtopomciric Inboratory, ; AnlbraponiDiry, 19. AnlbreptM and unLhr»pupllb>

��DlToroiu, U; pmhliloric 418. BltcHIB, C. E. (WolToroi

��D dlgntton eipcrliDBDta. IM:

��Agriooliar*! — ,

AEriCDlturs, fUnntltitu of oodiiujuIdd of, Wi; new aammiuloner of, 286, 30 •denUBc piinclptu of, T8.

Air. aniilyie* of, 313; icuclly of Uvli anailHoB In, 23it.

AlAUma pha«phiita, 3Tfl.

AIulu, tiplonUoDB In. lU; Jiide ^i

AUikim othDOi^npblcml oolloctloni, 10. Albilroii, DruliG of, In Ibe Uulf Uaicteo, Sli.

Allni, Dr! ^riiKO. W Allra.J. A.. 283. AlJui'i pilHtejrnipb, 1S3. Alloy, naw, 4a Alloyi, neUIIle, irs. AlmUMc, Biitlih nMiieil, 1-4.

��r Lfac >dTan«-

��A8BBIJHNKII. C. A. Th<i HatBnl Bridge of VlrBloU. la.; ngw. 243.'

tu; dut^i m!»inb»dan cunoni^lli!

IU; notoi, Itl; obHrrstory, elenrle

Itgbt In, IS4; Umc.soa. Allnntti: Oonn, eanbquilce AllJM, ForthB.". 630. AUnof ptaera of eanh, III. <4I. AndlUob of >chuDl-oblldraii, SM,

Anrorv. SU; tttril of, 4; n siuuiyr.

■ai; UKDnslWIllifal'ulDl, 4lT. Au^tralln, glocUl psrlod lu,4S6; gold In.

Aulogmpblo lyiteni of telcgrHphy, 331. . H. !>(} iBlegnph.wlm

um iif curved. 481; pore cul-

oholin, 03, K. ill. 464; oomnM,

' an; 4ludy of, 6IM; tnnthr of,

BbHUiSTO. - ■ ■ u-K colK , JeffrlH

— In BoUgrolDBT. «1; nguddeiundrngln.

��BEfanna'n Uloroacoplnl Innatlnllan 01

Gc]|liin gDvcrDment. qulnqutunliil priii

Ueu., a. G. I> then ■ correlBUon b>. mcen def(cu of the lonKB? 121; pre. venliDK oollldona with iGrbergilniifdc,

tba Inalrnctloa of deaf-niutei, 316. Bell. A. O., OB audition of hIkkiI.gIiII.

dnn, 364; dilHllan at soa of prolm

lly of ohlcsu by acbou, 354. BaiO U'ub, 141. Bcntham'a will, 12X Berlin geographloal loelDiy, ID; nnirer.

BortJncrailronomlMhMjahrbucfa. 141. Bernard. Claade, IlnlDa of, m. BlbllOKniphleil atvdm, 104. Blbllacraphlc*. 118.

��Biij.i!(aa, J. S. U«uartDE Iha cnbla

apacity of (kulli, Ul. 4«0. Bllllngi. J. S., on conipuulu pholo-

rnpht of (ku)!*, 366; VvnUbiUoii aDd

bcadng, niliiired. IN. BniIT.A.,andFSBA,C. RallDslMtlana,

S33. Blologlul nolca, 2GT. BIrdi, about Doaton, 118; migntlen of,

��Baldunna'a callcctlon of hirda' e>n, 304. - iioyageaaroaa^ogllih fl; Ib BoUgroloBT. 81;

��!WhI. S41.

��phalanx In Ihe third did I of ■ blrd'n win 1, 356.

of il'lk in fiiUad bhrl». 168. ItL-achea, erldencra of, In C

tlMii, T.H.', nn 'Nonh-Amtrliw

��BlMkford, S, S., dd tJew-York oyatai- beda. 426.

uraanlam*. rmlewpd, 168. Bltg?a lodu lo map lltrraturr. 140.

Blae-Ml inel(!or<doVlHi utmrvaMry, ttl.

Boiii, Fnmi. Tbe conHgumlon of Ortn- obU laud and Slleimera Ljind, map, no; Ur.lifelWIIg'apIanormohiHslCa □onta pola, 34T.

BochafantalDe on hypodermic IqliiBtlaa of Eallum of curved WilU, 491.

Boaniloflr lahiBd, ill. 32; tava from, M.

Koller, naw, 631.

Bollan, •(«] for. S22.

Book noUua. mlnur, SM; ptintlBC, de-

��BoaloD, deoadana

��LBTT.J.R. ThebailuoflhaCarib.

��LDle oardan ai Honin mical ooDgreM. 431.

��'■, Iraatlaa od i> Moqnla. rs

��Brackalt. Boe Anlhony and Bnekolt. Brain, 306; anauxny and phyalolon of,

Ib ralallon lo mental <naoraan, IM;

•xbauatloD. 1S3; eitraoUon of bullat

��BraMittVa wiWoji*. W

�� �