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��r, 193; phatognph

��ra«br)<lgE'> Pbydu, U.

��BiuUn lo Berlwr, map, SM ; map, JOO. Badui. <:UinBUof,Jts. fiBH Cual lighted br cltcITlcIlT, SSI. Solpbur deiKMiu of Siberia, m. Bim.411; glow, 41b. 4TQ; bjdrogenlfl pro-

tubctvtica of, &]3i liDB- «roijiidt 4A6;

UunnomeUr dnrlog MllpK at tUnb

1ft, IKS, «S. SoDUgbi, III. Ml. Bniueu, red. Ua. ean-ipot period, 81. Bno-apoU. ». Bacscnr. ««, MM.

Biir«J«. poblle, ZO.

eriDbollc ilEebn, 77. BTaONDS. W. g. UwnniBlk In Inur- glftCtaT depDBlUt 24B.

TuDborlnl ind S«pplll1 on hypnnllini.SOa. Tmner'i rrporl of lb* ofoIm of Ib.^ Aib»-

Iro», 1T&. Tnppelner on dlgHltbtUtf of ODllnloic,

��Tnuf't Analomr. phTiloIogj, and bjr- TrcDtoD, Hn In capllot at. 33*.

��as. R, g. Caralvo iiminii,H- -

��le-fl*b, l».2l

��n In lulv, 4




��■.phviinl. pb, ebnolci

��319; rigDHli, XU;

��TclophDne, lood^apcakinR, «J. 3U.

Telupbanint, loQE-dlitaDU, IN.

"--' '-B of lane. 431.

��iiiilTBnlty,S3; MolmilardjraaiDlca TbonOht'ltanafircnce, 104. Tbandnr-alonoi, Imnwltdae of, 14j

Ifaj, 1«M, 111; obHrvadona Df, 41


��Trowbridge'i Ph;

��re'i rhv»li!», rDtlewud, S7 W. The ljoule-no« do

��Tunlopa lunlo, ill. 33S.

Tn>huoD In Blotlf, »/. 344.

Unlted.Blnlea ago aUIIMIoa. necallarlllca in,lj;.4ftl; bu11dlD«.aoi>M,S3B;e<ni»i>,

239; depanmuni of agricDllure, 103;

lighllDg ID.TH; enlamaloBlat'i rcponfbr IBM, revlBW^, 4M; ti& eaminlulon, "l-.reTlewed,S90; report.

��W^nor'a EaglDoeiiag geology, r Walking, ill. SN.


��Warner eomit prIiH, IIS. WarreD'a rantdlH tbund, revlswed. 40t. Waahlngiaii ■nibropDloglcal tneiety, fS', antbropolo^cal and biological •oclellai,

��Weather of Febroi

��Tbaralon'a Uateiiala of ebglneerlag

Tidal DbHmtoTiei, US.

Tina, 37D.

Tllc-iUh. til. 3D.

Tlne.dlalrlbullDn of, In ibe United Slaws, 110; Btandard, 333,

Tobacoo-amokg, effKis of. IZi.

TOBD, D. r. Aatronomlcal dome* nioun(wloDoannon-l<iilla.l3fi; IheBril- tah DMtleal alintDae, 174; reinrehes ai.lJf.Wl; aolaiHllpae

��pari <-, reviewed, 5 Mfl; mDnograpli. T

��1, ((I.48B: of UiB

��engiborinm, 241; inflne

��Tertiary VerlebiBU. 407.

THtlng-nwohlnea, 77.

Thibet gold, 4131 lakea, 3ft.

Troiui, Cyraa. Uound.bulldlng Iribca,

Hi; palenqne rlallad by Coriea, 171;

■llTerfroin a Peanaybvanla mound. IJ(.

Tbonia*. BIdnxy O.. 121.

Tu one OB,' Sir W. air willlam Tbom-

�� ��. Uneofot ^r Xebrai

��N Drcx, F. C. A new aUndard oell,

��VegetaUon In (be VefodtiM, llatof.

��Veaque'a Bottny. i^. VlrglnU, rnBKHOlo flora, 31 Bridge. 13; unlvcr»l(y, pub

��Wbthori,E.W. Centi1fngaire>[ci,and

the anppmwd polar Icecap, 1B4. Whale. wblU',4.M. WhalH, flukea of. S&b. WHira. I. C. The geology of natural _a»a.Ml- Wbithxt.J. D. I^kettlali

��WILDIB. B UflflU


��fallpaluael ui milk, 130; b

��coUesllnM of Ina« 

��Ilcatlona, 106, 9D7; rroort of auperin- tendeni. III : time-ball, 4T1 ; nary deparu nenl, CranaTer of aalanliflo bureaua to, 1)3; pnblle prlnUag-oltlce, mdmlnlMn- tlon of, 414; quarry Indnatiy for 18S0, ■Ullatisa, IM; algnal-otOce, work of, under OeneraJ Haien, Xt7; algnal-aer. Tice and Ihe Joint eomm laalon, 318 ; note

-a^a. llaV terl

��William*, O. H. The ralcroneope In gfology, IM.

Wllllaioa college lycenm of natural hla-

tory, aeml.centmnlal uf, 3U1. Uti. Vtllu, Bailey. Economy of fuel. UT. WUaoo, D., on aeathetis houlty In prlral-

tin race*, 4M. Wilaon, J. , on climate of FlnrMa, «1. Wlnebeira Qeology of Mlnneroia, re.

Tlewcd. S»; World.llfe, rerlewcd, 300. Wing, aeeond phalanx lo llilrd digll a! a

carinate-blriT*. SU. WldlocK. W. C. Cameu and aalarulda

of 13M, II ; Ihe earthquake of Jan. 3.

��bora- Wlnalow*

��WIrea. unflergrouni Wliconain aoid -


��The Kinm™ gorge « 

��^t to photograph

��ling. C, A., on .Ti ehf Indiana, 343.

��ley of Uaaauboael


��•- dnat tram Nebrai

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