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At 128 Fulton street, N. Y. (Sun Buildinga.) BY JIUNN "" CO. Age

rl" te.

Dexter & Bro. Now York Hotchkiss & Co. Boston. B. Daw son Montreal, C.E Stokes &: Bro •• philadelphia. M. Boullemet, Mobile"Ala Oook. Kinney & Co., San Fra.ncisco. E. V.1Viley, New Orleans Le Count&: Strong, San Fran. E. G. �·ull.r,Halifax, N.S A very Bellford & Co .. London M.M.Gardissal &: Co.Pari S. G. Courtenay, Charleston, S.W. Pease, Cincinnati. Responsible Agents may also be found in all the prin. cIpal cities and towns in the United States. 'l'ERMS-$2 a-year :-$1 in advance and the remain




der in six months.

llisrepresentation about Foreign Inventions.

" ,Ve ask attention to the letter of our own correspondent at Paris, giving an account of new machines and labor-saving proce�ses, in­ vented in Europe. A scientific or industrial discovery is often of more cousequence to the world than the gaining of a battle or the acces­ sion of an Emperor, but hitherto the products of European genius in this line have not been reported upon in this country."-[New York Tribune. [Our readers need not be told that in the above there is one statement that is altogether untrue, namely, about" the products of Euro­ pean genius not being repor.ted upon in this country." The fact is, that nearly every nnm­ bel' of the" Scientific American," contains one column devoted to foreign inventions. 'Ye have made it a practice to collate all the Hseful inventions patented in Enrope, and to present abstracts of them to our readers. We profess to be able to understand what is good and what is useless in any new claimed invention; this has been our business for y�ar8, and we not only present regularly the very marrow of for­ eign inventions to our readers, but also all that is really useful in the progress of science. Some of onr cotemporaries sometimes present a good foreign invention to their rea(J.ers, about a year after it has been described. in the "Scientific American," but they being unable to select the good from the bad, generally make themselves ridiculous by puffing such trashy inventions as " Hot Air Engines," "Fire Annihilators," " Cen­ trifugal Force Engines," &c. It affords us pleasure to show our cotemporary light on any subject, for one thing is very clear, the "Tri­ bune" has hitherto been groping in gross dark­ ness, in respect to foreign inventions. ......


Prizes-the Last Call.

In the number of the Scientific· American which will issue January 7th we shall announce the names of the Successful Competitors �o our prizes together with the number of subscribers sent by each. Preliminary to this announce­ ment we have examined the lists and find that there are three competitors on one prize and two on another who have each furnished the same number of names. It is probable that the com· petitors have not yet sent in all the subscribers which they intend to. If however it should in the end prove otherwise we shall be compelled to di�:de the amount and award an equal por­ tion to each. We hope our friends will persevere and in· crease their lists as much as possible. No doubt many of them, by a little extra exertion, can do this, and thus secure a prize of intrinsic value-Cash.


The above engraving is a representation of Collins' Patent Duplex Yalve Motion, exhibit­ ing its attachment to a horizontal engine. It is certainly very ingenious, and is, we think, well worthy the attention of engineers. . A is the bed plate, and B is the plummer block of the main shaft, C. On this shaft is keyed an ordinary eccentric, having upon each side a spur wheel, E, gearing into a pinion, F. The teeth in one of these spur wheels are op­ posite the spaces in the other. Upon the ec­ centric is a strap, D, of the ordinary construc­ tion, in which is the bearing of the pinions, F. This strap has an arm, J, in which the eccen­ tric rod, K is fastened. It has also a slide, I, through which another eccentric rod, H, is worked by the connecting rod, G, attached to a pin upon the pinion, F. These two eccentric rods are attached to the ends of a link, L, in a slot through which the crank pin, N, of the rock shaft, works. Now it will be readily seen th!!t when it is depressed so as to be nearly op-

parallel to the motion of the saw, so that it may bed in the under jaw is only beveled in its cut at right angles to the grain of the wood. length; it has three different adjustments for

Fig. 1 is a top view, and fig. 2 a side view of ' different kinds of teeth; when verticIIl teeth

are wanted it is pushed up in its bed so as to the invention. As will be seen by the engravings, it consists form a greater or less shoulder, when it is ad­ of two principal parts, of which 0 is the upper justed to a level by the ,screw, A. When in­ jaw, and W the lower; c c are screws working e1ined teeth are wanted it i:l inclined back by loosely through a slot in the upper jaw into the screw, A, and is not pushed up in its bed . FIG. 2. When it is desired to combine a shoulder and a set upon the teeth, the slide is pushed up more or less in its bed, and then adjusted back by the screw, A. Before using the Saw Doctor, even the teeth of the saw, and determine what kind of teeth are wanted, adjust the slide accordingly, and fasten it in a vice by its handle, H; then introduce I the saw between the jaws so that �II the teeth can be slid under the wing of the punch, press the jaws firmly together and tighten the screws, e e, so as to touch the upper jaw with their the lower one. A is an adjusting screw, by shonlder. Tighten the screw, T, so as to allow which a slide, Y, upon which the saw, X, r ests, a firm and free sliding motion of the saw be­ is elevated to give a greater set to the saw tween the jaws without any vibrations; pass tooth. P is the punch, to which a blow is com­ every tooth under the wing of the pnnch and municated for setting the tooth; S is a strike a :blow sufficient to shape the tooth as sWing for throwing the punch from the wanted. .When the saw is of unequal thick­ tooth; T is a screw for grasping the �aw; H is ness, the screw, T, must be re·adjusted. the handle for holding it in the vice. For further particulars address H. Strait, Co­ The slide, Y, is double bevelled, while its vington, Ky.


Strait's "aw Doctor.-Fig. l'



Inventors Protective National Union.

Having necessarily said so much this week This instrument is intended to set the teeth about inventors and inventions, we have defer­ of saws in a peculiar manner. By an ordinary ed our remarks on the "Constitution" of this saw·set the tooth i� bent to a position inclined association till next week. to the plane of the saw, in order to cut a calf ... .. . ... The Tribunal of Angouleme (France) has wider than the thickness of the �aw; if this fined a railroad engineer 200 francs for having were not done the saw would pinch and heat. failed to notice the red flag, the signal to stop. This instrument is to effect the same purpose, No accident had resulted from his negligence, but at the same time to bend the tooth in such a manner that the point shall still be in a line but it was thought best to make an example.

weighted lever, U, in connection with the seg­ ment, T, the cord, d d, attached to the ends of T, and from thence passing downwards around the crank pin, N, which must be free to rotate; the segmental pinion working in the rack, M, will elevate the crank pin by the too rapid mo­ tion of the governor. and so cut off earlier in the stroke, or the contrary will result from a motion too slow for the purpose intended. The I!d vantages of this arrangement is appa­ rent to any engineer. The first cost of the en­ gine is reduced, as there are fewer parts; these are also more under the control of the engineer. It is self·adjusting, and the cut off motion with the opening of the ports at the proper moment is more perfectly attained than by any other ar­ rangement known to us. This latter result must necessarily lead to an important saving of the fuel. For any further information address the pro­ prietors, Messrs. Rose, Middleton, &, TiffG, 192 Broadway, N. Y.

posite the attachment of the lower eccentric rod, it will participate but slightly in the motion <lOmmunicatcd to the upper one by the con­ necting rod, G, and the contrary will re;ult from its elevation. This furnishes an opportu­ nity for an adjustment of its motion, so as to cut off lit from t to t the stroke. But let ns examine the motions of the valve, S. By the eccentric rod, K, the long throw is communicated to the rock shaft, and from thence to the valve, by the valve rod, R. By the action of the upper eccentric rod this mo­ tion is so countemcted during oue portion of the stroke, and accelerated during another, that the steam is let upon the piston at the mo­ ment when the crank pin has reached the dead center, with a port wide open, the exhaust being wide open also at the proper moment, thus leaving no lead to be counteracted, and also doing away with any wire drawing of eith­ er feed or exhaust steam. Now by the action of the governor upon tbe