Page:Scientific Memoirs, Vol. 1 (1837).djvu/233

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Ancient Names. Names of Modern Naturalists, Latin and French. Common Names.
Latin. 1. Scarabæus qui pilas volvit (Plin.). 2. Ateuchus Ægyptiorum.
Scarabée sacré.
Bousier sacré.
Eng. Tumble-dung Beetle.
3. 2. Scarabæus cui sunt cornicula reflexa (Plin.). Bousierof Horapollo, which has two horns and resembles a bull. Latin. Onitis Midas.
French. Bousier à deux cornes.
Le Pillulaire.
4. 3. Lucanus cui sunt cornua praelonga bisulcis dentata forcipibus in cacumine (Plin.). Latin. Lucanus cervus.
French. Lucane Cerf-volant. Le Cerf-volant.—Eng. Stag-beetle. Pinch-bob.
5. 4. Scarabæus Fullo albis guttis (Plin.). Latin. Cetonia aurata.
French. Cétoine dorée. Eng. Green or Rose Beetle.
6. 5. Ips of Homer, of St. John Chrysostom, and of the grammarians of the middle ages. Larva of the Dermestes Pellio, of the Dermestes Lardarius; the larva not yet known of a species of Dermestes which is related to these two species, and which gnaws the horn of the Ægagrus, or wild goat.
7. Greek. Kantharis. Latin. 1. Curculio granarius, Calandra granaria. Corn-weevil.
Latin. Scarabaeus parvus Cantharis dictus (Plin.). French. La Calandre, ou le Charanson des Grains.
Laiin. 2. Curculio frumentarius, Apion frumentarius.
French. Charanson du Froment.

V. Summary of the Synonymy of the Insects mentioned in these researches, arranged according to their natural order.—To accommodate agronomers and the learned, we thought it necessary in the preceding paragraph to divide the synonymy of the insects which have been mentioned in these researches into three sections. For the use of naturalists it must be repeated according [to the natural order, and without any distinction of those which injure the vine much, or little, or not at all. For the sake of brevity we shall be satisfied with designating the insect by the name which it bears in our best systems; it will be immediately followed by the French or common name most generally in use, and lastly by the ancient names, printed in small capitals.

Myriapoda. Coleoptera.
1. Julus sabulosus, Jule des sables.
Julios, Centipedes, Millepedes.
1. Dermestes Lardarius,
Dermestes Pellio, aut species proxima; (the larva).
Le Dernieste des fourrures ou de la come (the larva).
Ips of Homer.
2. Julus terrestris, Jule terrestre.
Julios, Centipedes, Millepedes.
3. Julus communis, Jule commun.
Julios, Centipedes, Millepedes.