Page:Scientific Memoirs, Vol. 1 (1837).djvu/368

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perature of the body is lower by the infinitely small quantity , than the temperature of the body . We shall suppose in the first instance that a gas serves for the transmission to the body , of the caloric of the body . Let be the volume of the gas under the pressure at a temperature of ; let and be the volume and the pressure of the same weight of gas at the temperature of the body . The law enunciated by Mariotte, combined with that of Gay-Lussac, establishes between these different quantities the relation

or, for simplicity,

The body is brought into contact with the gas. Let , (fig. 3.). If the gas be allowed to expand by the infinitely small quantity , the temperature will remain constant, in consequence of the presence of the source of heat ; the pressure will diminish, and become equal to the ordinate . We now remove the

Fig. 3.

body , and allow the gas to expand, in an inclosure impermeable to heat, by the infinitely small quantity , until the heat becomes latent, reduces the temperature of the gas by the infinitely small quantity , and thus brings it to the temperature of the body . In consequence of this reduction of temperature, the pressure will diminish more rapidly than in the first part of the operation, and will become . We now take the body , and reduce the volume by the infinitely small quantity , calculated in such a manner that during this compression the gas may transmit to the body all the heat it has derived from the body during the first part of the operation. Let be the corresponding pressure; that done, we remove