Page:Scientific Memoirs, Vol. 1 (1837).djvu/474

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The expression for will then be reduced to


All the quantities and being null, except and , the values of will also be null, except that of : the formula (2)′ will then give

When we must have ; we must then also have , and there will remain only .

By performing the integrations of the formula (5)′ within the limits indicated, and observing that , we shall obtain

As, in the differential expression for , we may change into , and x into , without any change taking place in its value, and as a similar change may be made in respect to the other coordinates, it follows that, by taking the point , , , as the origin of the coordinates, we shall be able, in the two preceding formulas, to put

or, generally,

Now if, by placing the origin of the coordinates in the centre of each molecule respectively, we substitute these expressions of and , and that previously found for in the equation (III)′, and take successively for as many constants as there are molecules, we shall find that the equation

will be satisfied by taking for each molecule

By substituting for the value just found, we shall finally have
