Page:Scientific Monthly, volume 14.djvu/600

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Japanese Influence in Chinese Med ical Education, E. V. COWDRY, 278 JONES, D. F., Hybridization in Plant and Animal Life, 5 LAIRD, DONALD A., Why the Movies Move, 364 LILLIE, RALPH S., Growth in Living and Non-Living Systems, 113 LITTLE, C. C., Human Heredity and Experimental Genetics, 401 McCALL, WM. A., and HUESTIS, BRONSON L., Mental and Physical Effects of Fresh Air, 131 Mammals, Conservation of, BARTON WARREN EVERMANN, 261 MARMER, H. A., The Tide, 209 Martian Polar Rifts, G. H. HAMIL TON, 579 Mathematical Title-Page, A Curious, F. CAJORI, 294 Mathematics, The Larger Human Worth of, ROBERT D. CARMICHAEL, 447 Mental and Physical, Effects of Fresh Air, WM. A. McCALL and BRONSON L. HUESTIS, 131; Correspondence in Twins, ARNOLD GESELL, 305, 415 MILLER, KELLY, Negro Population, 168 Mississippi, Fishing in the, A. S. PEARSE, 186 MOODIE, ROY L., Disease and Injury among Fossil Men, 391 MORLEY, F. V., Thomas Hariot, 60 Mortality of Foreign Race Stocks, Louis I. DUBLIN, 94 Movies, Why They Move, DONALD A. LAIRD, 364 National Academy of Sciences, Build ing, 583; Medals, 584 Negro Population, KELLY MILLER, 168; Enumeration of 1920, LA VERNE BEALES, 352 NICHOLS, EDWARD L., On Founder s Day, 469 Organism and its Environment, FRAN CIS B. SUMNER, 223 Organization of Scientific Men, J. MCKEEN CATTELL, 568 PEARSE, A. S., Fishing in the Missis sippi, 186 POFFENBERGER, A. T., The Sub-Con- scious, 379 Progress, of Science, 105, 205, 297, 395, 490, 582; of Public Health Work, J. HOWARD BEARD, 140 Propaganda, Control of, EDWARD K. STRONG, JR., 234 Psychology, A Corporation for the Advancement of, 302 Public Health Work, Progress of, J. HOWARD BEARD, 140; Welfare, Res olutions concerning, 208; Health and Experimental Biology, HARRY BEAL TORREY, 253 Race Stocks, Foreign, Mortality of, Louis I. DUBLIN, 94 Radio- Telephony, Government Con trol of, 395 REESE, ALBERT M., Unusual Human Foods, 475 ROBERTSON, CHARLES, Flower Seasons, 201 SANFORD, FERNANDO, Theories of the Ether, 547 Science, Certain Unities in, R. D. CARMICHAEL, 41 Scientific, Items, 112, 208, 304, 400, 496, 590 ; Periodicals, Suspension of Government, 109; Men, Organiza tion of, J. MCKEEN CATTELL, 568 Social Life among the Insects, WIL LIAM MORTON WHEELER, 497 Stars and Molecules, 491 STILLMAN, JOHN M., Falsification in the History of Early Chemistry, 560 STRONG, EDWARD K., JR., Control of Propaganda as a Psychological Problem, 234 Sub-Conscious, A. T. POFFENBERGER, 379 Submarine War, A Perpetual, R. E. COKER, 345 SUMNER, FRANCIS B., The Organism and Its Environment, 223 Tarantulas and their Poison, W. J. BAERG, 482 TERM AN, LEWIS M., Adventures in Stupidity, 24 THORNDIKE, LYNN, Galen, 83 Tide, Problems of the, H. A. MAR MER, 209 TORREY, HARRY BEAL, Public Health and Experimental Biology, 253 Twins, Mental ana Physical Corre spondence in, ARNOLD GESELL, 305, 415 Weather Control, D. W. HERING, 178 WHEELER, WILLIAM MORTON, Social Life among the Insects, 497 YOUNGKEN, HEBER W., Dehydration and the Preservation of Foods, 332