Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/191

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others, but as it is well known that the above rule does not apply to cases in which such absorption takes place to any great extent, we may conclude that the effect of this circumstance in the cases with which we have to do is of secondary importance. If we neglect the slight differences in the values of the potentials due to these circumstances, the rule may be expressed as follows:—

The pressure in a mixture of different gases is equal to the sum of the pressures of the different gases as existing each by itself at the same temperature and with the same value of its potential.

To form a precise idea of the practical significance of the law as thus stated with reference to the equilibrium of two liquids with a mixture of the gases which they emit, when neither liquid absorbs the gas emitted by the other, we may imagine a long tube closed at each end and bent in the form of a W to contain in each of the descending loops one of the liquids, and above these liquids the gases which they emit, viz., the separate gases at the ends of the tube, and the mixed gases in the middle. We may suppose the whole to be in equilibrium, the difference of the pressures of the gases being balanced by the proper heights of the liquid columns. Now it is evident from the principles established on pages 144-150 that the potential for either gas will have the same value in the mixed and in the separate gas at the same level, and therefore according to the rule in the form which we have given, the pressure in the gas-mixture is equal to the sum of the pressures in the separate gases, all these pressures being measured at the same level. Now the experiments by which the rule has been established relate rather to the gases in the vicinity of the surfaces of the liquids. Yet, although the differences of level in these surfaces may be considerable, the corresponding differences of pressure in the columns of gas will certainly be very small in all cases which can be regarded as falling under the laws of ideal gases, for which very great pressures are not admitted.

If we apply the above law to a mixture of ideal gases and distinguish by subscript numerals the quantities relating to the different gases, and denote by the sum of all similar terms obtained by changing the subscript numerals, we shall have by (270)


It will be legitimate to assume this equation provisionally as the fundamental equation defining an ideal gas-mixture, and afterwards to justify the suitableness of such a definition by the properties which may be deduced from it. In particular, it will be necessary to show that an ideal gas-mixture as thus defined, when the proportion of its components remains constant, has all the properties which have already been assumed for an ideal gas of invariable composition; it