Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/204

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different kinds of gas, and by as before the total volume, the increase of entropy may be written in the form

And if we denote by , etc., the numbers of the molecules of the several different kinds of gas, we shall have


where denotes a constant. Hence

and the increase of entropy may be written


The Phases of Dissipated Energy of an Ideal Gas-mixture with Components which are Chemically Related.

We will now pass to the consideration of the phases of dissipated energy (see page 140) of an ideal gas-mixture, in which the number of the proximate components exceeds that of the ultimate.

Let us first suppose that an ideal gas-mixture has for proximate components the gases , and , the units of which are denoted by and that in ultimate analysis


and denoting positive constants, such that . The

phases which we are to consider are those for which the energy of the gas-mixture is a minimum for constant entropy and volume and constant quantities of and , as determined in ultimate analysis. For such phases, by (86),


for such values of the variations as do not affect the quantities of and as determined in ultimate analysis. Values of proportional to and only such, are evidently consistent with this restriction: therefore


If we substitute in this equation values of taken from (276), we obtain, after arranging the terms and dividing by ,


