Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/255

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Influence of Surfaces of Discontinuity upon the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Masses.—Theory of Capillarity.

We have hitherto supposed, in treating of heterogeneous masses in contact, that they might be considered as separated by mathematical surfaces, each mass being unaffected by the vicinity of the others, so that it might be homogeneous quite up to the separating surfaces both with respect to the density of each of its various components and also with respect to the densities of energy and entropy. That such is not rigorously the case is evident from the consideration that if it were so with respect to the densities of the components it could not be so in general with respect to the density of energy, as the sphere of molecular action is not infinitely small. But we know from observation that it is only within very small distances of such a surface that any mass is sensibly affected by its vicinity,—a natural consequence of the exceedingly small sphere of sensible molecular action,—and this fact renders possible a simple method of taking account of the variations in the densities of the component substances and of energy and entropy, which occur in the vicinity of surfaces of discontinuity. We may use this term, for the sake of brevity, without implying that the discontinuity is absolute, or that the term distinguishes any surface with mathematical precision. It may be taken to denote the non-homogeneous film which separates homogeneous or nearly homogeneous masses.

Let us consider such a surface of discontinuity in a fluid mass which is in equilibrium and uninfluenced by gravity. For the precise measurement of the quantities with which we have to do, it will be convenient to be able to refer to a geometrical surface, which shall be sensibly coincident with the physical surface of discontinuity, but shall have a precisely determined position. For this end, let us take some point in or very near to the physical surface of discontinuity, and imagine a geometrical surface to pass through this point and all other points which are similarly situated with respect to the condition of the adjacent matter. Let this geometrical surface be called the dividing surface, and designated by the symbol . It will be observed that the position of this surface is as yet to a certain extent arbitrary, but that the directions of its normals are already everywhere determined, since all the surfaces which can be formed in the manner described are evidently parallel to one another. Let us also imagine a closed surface cutting the surface and including a part of the homogeneous mass on each side. We will so far limit the form of this closed surface as to suppose that on each side of , as far as there is any want of perfect homogeneity in the fluid masses, the closed surface is such as may be generated by a moving normal to .