Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/338

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surfaces, by and the tension and area of one of these surfaces, and by the elasticity of the film when extended under the supposition that the total quantities of and in the part of the film extended are invariable, as also the temperature and the potentials of the other components. From the definition of we have


and from the conditions of the extension of the film


Hence we obtain

and eliminating ,

If we set
we have

With this equation we may eliminate from (643). We may also eliminate do- by the necessary relation (see (514))

This will give




where the differential coefficients are to be determined on the conditions that the temperature and all the potentials except and are constant, and that the pressure in the interior of the film shall remain equal to that in the contiguous gas-masses. The latter condition may be expressed by the equation


in which and denote the densities of and in the contiguous gas-masses. (See (98).) When the tension of the surfaces of the film and the pressures in its interior and in the contiguous