Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/50

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The equation of the isodynamics is of course the same as that of the isothermals. None of these systems of lines have that property of identity of form, which makes the systems of isometrics and isopiestics so easy to draw in the entropy-temperature diagram.

Case of condensable vapors.

The case of bodies which pass from the liquid to the gaseous condition is next to be considered. It is usual assume of such a body, that when sufficiently superheated it approaches the condition of a perfect gas. If, then, in the entropy-temperature diagram of such a body we draw systems of isometrics, isopiestics and isodynamics, as if for a perfect gas, for proper values of the constants and , these will be asymptotes to the true isometrics, etc., of the vapor, and in many cases will not vary from them greatly in the part of the diagram which represents vapor unmixed with liquid, except in the vicinity of the line of saturation. In the volume-pressure diagram of the same body, the isothermals, isentropics and isodynamics, drawn for a perfect gas for the same values of and , will have the same relations to the true isothermals, etc.

In that part of any diagram which represents a mixture of vapor and liquid, the isopiestics and isothermals will be identical, as the pressure is determined by the temperature alone. In both the diagrams which we are now comparing, they will be straight and parallel to the axis of abscissas. The form of the isometrics and isodynamics in the entropy-temperature diagram, or that of the isentropics and isodynamics in the volume-pressure diagram, will depend upon the nature of the fluid, and probably cannot be expressed by any simple equations. The following property, however, renders it easy to construct equidifferent systems of these lines, viz: any such system will divide any isothermal (isopiestic) into equal segments.

It remains to consider that part of the diagram which represents the body when entirely in the condition of liquid. The fundamental characteristic of this condition of matter is that the volume is very nearly constant, so that variations of volume are generally entirely inappreciable when represented graphically on the same scale on which the volume of the body in the state of vapor is represented, and both the variations of volume and the connected variations of the connected quantities may be, and generally are, neglected by the side of the variations of the same quantities which occur when the body passes to the state of vapor.

Let us make, then, the usual assumption that is constant, and see how the general equations (1), (2), (3) and (4) are thereby affected.