Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs.djvu/91

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[Transactions of the Connecticut Academy, III., pp. 108–248, Oct. 1875–May, 1876, and pp. 343–524, May, 1877–July, 1878.]

"Die Energie der Welt ist constant.
Die Entropie der Welt strebt einem Maximum zu."


The comprehension of the laws which govern any material system is greatly facilitated by considering the energy and entropy of the system in the various states of which it is capable. As the differences of the values of the energy for any two states represents the combined amount of work and heat received or yielded by the system when it is brought from one state to the other, and the difference of entropy is the limit of all the possible values of the integral , ( denoting the element of heat received from external sources, and the temperature of the part of the system receiving it,) the varying values of the energy and entropy characterize in all that is essential the effects producible by the system in passing from one state to another. For by mechanical and thermodynamic contrivances, supposed theoretically perfect, any supply of work and heat may be transformed into any other which does not differ from it either in the amount of work and heat taken together or in the value of the integral . But it is not only in respect to the external relations of a system that its energy and entropy are of predominant importance. As in the case of simply mechanical systems, (such as are discussed in theoretical mechanics,) which are capable of only one kind of action upon external systems, viz., the performance of mechanical work, the function which expresses the capability of the system for this kind of action also plays the leading part in the theory of equilibrium, the condition of equilibrium being that the variation of this function shall vanish, so in a thermodynamic system, (such as all material systems actually are,) which is capable of

  1. Pogg. Ann. Bd, cxxv. (1865), S. 400; or Mechanische Wärmetheorie, Abhand ix. S. 44.