Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs - Volume 2.djvu/118

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where are the distances of the plane from the four points, and are the coordinates of any point in the plane. Here we may set


and say that represents the plane. To some extent we can introduce this letter into equations instead of Thus the equation


(which denotes that the planes meet in a common line, making angles of which the sines are proportional to and ) is equivalent to the four equations

etc. (17)

Again, we may regard as the coordinates of a plane. The equation of a point will then be


If we set


we may say that represents the point. The equation


which indicates that the point bisects the line between and is equivalent to the four equations

etc. (21)

To express that the point lies in the plane does not seem easy, without going back to the use of coordinates.

The form of multiple algebra which is to be compared to this is the geometrical algebra of Möbius and Grassmann, in which points without reference to any origin are represented by single letters, say by Italic capitals, and planes may also be represented by single letters, say by Greek capitals. An equation like


has exactly the same meaning as equation (20) of ordinary algebra. So


has precisely the same meaning as equation (16) of ordinary algebra. That the point lies in the plane is expressed by equating to zero the product of and which is called by Grassmann external and which might be defined as the distance of the point from the plane. We may write this
