Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs - Volume 2.djvu/20

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is subject are such that certain functions of the coordinates cannot exceed certain limits, either constant or variable with the time. If certain values of (with unvaried values of , and ) are simultaneously possible at a given instant, equal or proportional values with the same signs must be possible for immediately after the instant considered, and must satisfy formula (1), and therefore (6), in connection with the values of immediately after that instant. The values of , thus determined, are of course the very quantities which we wish to obtain, since the acceleration of a point at a given instant does not denote anything different from its acceleration immediately after that instant.

For an example of a somewhat different class of cases, we may suppose that in a system, otherwise free, cannot have a negative value. Such a condition does not seem to affect the possible values of , as naturally interpreted in a dynamical problem. Yet, if we should regard the value of in (7) as arbitrary, we should obtain

which might be erroneous. But if we regard as expressing a velocity of which the system, if at rest, would be capable (which is not a natural signification of the expression), we should have , which, with (7), gives

This is not incorrect, but it leaves the acceleration undetermined. If we should regard as denoting such a variation of the velocity as is possible for the system when it has its given velocity (this also is not a natural signification of the expression), formula (7) would give the correct value of except when . In this case (which cannot be regarded as exceptional in a problem of this kind), we should have , which will leave undetermined, as before.

The application of formula (6), in problems of this kind, presents no difficulty. From the condition

we obtain, first, if
then, ifand

which is the only limitation on the value of . With this condition, we deduce from (6) that either
