Page:Scientific Papers of Josiah Willard Gibbs - Volume 2.djvu/295

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place was then 75,000. This gives a density of the meteoroids in space represented by one to a cube of twenty miles edge. Three hours later the frequency had fallen to one-tenth of the maximum value. The really dense portion of the stream through which we passed was less than 100,000 miles in thickness, and nearly all would be included in a thickness of 200,000 miles.

A formula is given to express the effect of the earth's attraction on the approaching meteoroids in altering the position of the radiant. This is technically known as the zenithal attraction, and is quite important in the case of these meteors on account of their small relative velocity. The significance of the formula may be roughly expressed by saying that the earth's attraction changes the radiant of the Biela meteors, toward the vertical of the observer, one-tenth of the observed zenith distance of the radiant, or more briefly, that the zenithal attraction for these meteors is one-tenth of the observed zenith distance. The radiant even after the correction for zenithal attraction, and another for the rotation of the earth on its axis, is not a point but an area of several degrees diameter. The same has been observed in regard to other showers, but the result comes out more distinctly in the present case because the meteors were so numerous and the shower so carefully observed.

This implies a want of parallelism in the paths of the meteors, and it is a very important question whether it exists before the meteoroids enter our atmosphere, or whether it is due to the action of the atmosphere.

Professor Newton shows that it is difficult to account for so large a difference in the original motions of the meteoroids, and thinks it reasonable to attribute a large part of the want of parallelism to the action of the atmosphere on bodies of an irregular form, such as we have every reason to believe that the meteoroids have, when they enter our atmosphere. The effect of the heat generated will be to round off the edges and prominent parts, and to reduce the meteor to a form more and more spherical. It is, therefore, quite natural that the greater portion of the curvature of the paths should be in the invisible portion and thus escape our notice. It is only in exceptional cases that the visible path is notably curved.

But the great interest of the paper centers in his discussion of the relation of this shower to preceding showers, and to the orbit of Biela's comet. The changes in the date of the shower (from Dec. 6 to Nov. 27) and in the position of the radiant are shown to be related to the great perturbations of Biela's comet in 1794, 1831, and 1841–2. The showers observed by Brandes, Dec. 6th, 1798, by Herrick, Dec. 7th, 1838, and by Heis, Dec. 8th and 10th, 1847, are related to the orbit of Biela's comet as it was in 1772; while the great showers of 1872