Page:Scientific results HMS Challenger vol 18 part 2.djvu/276

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The genus Pteroscenium differs from the preceding Archiscenium only in the ramification of the internal columella, and therefore exhibits to it the same relation that Cladoscenium bears to Euscenium. The branches of the columella form also here verticils of ascending branches, three in each verticil, and their distal ends are inserted on the inner surface of the lattice-shell.

1. Pteroscenium arcuatum, n. sp. (Pl. 98, fig. 4).

Shell campanulate, smooth, nearly conical, somewhat broader than long, with irregular dense network of small circular pores. Columella straight, with two or three triradiate verticils of horizontal lateral branches, which are inserted in the shell-wall. Horn slender pyramidal, as long as the shell. Three divergent feet twice as long as the horn, strongly curved, thorny, three-edged; the distance of their pointed ends twice as broad as the shell. From the outer edge of each foot arise numerous ascending bristles, which are connected together and with similar lateral branches of the horn by curved arches, forming three delicate spiny vertical wings.

Dimensions.—Shell 0.06 long, 0.08 broad.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Station 271, depth 2425 fathoms.

2. Pteroscenium arcadophorum, n. sp.

Shell campanulate, smooth, with irregular polygonal pores, very similar to the preceding species but with much broader wings, forming several arcades with three to five rows of irregular meshes. Columella with five or six triradiate verticils of lateral branches. Horn twice as long as the shell, of the same length as the strongly curved spinulate feet.

Dimensions.—Shell 0.09 long, 0.11 broad.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Station 265, depth 2900 fathoms.

3. Pteroscenium pinnatum, n. sp. (Pl. 53, figs. 14, 15, 16).

Shell campanulate, smooth, somewhat longer than broad, with irregular delicate network of small roundish pores. Columella straight, with numerous (eight to twelve) triradiate verticils of ascending lateral branches, which are inserted in the shell-wall. The uppermost end of the columella is a conical apical horn. The three divergent feet are smooth, slender, conical, slightly curved, about as long as the shell, pinnate, with six to ten pairs of ascending lateral branches, parallel to those of the columella and inserted on the three vaulted lateral wings. (Fig. 14 exhibits the outside of the shell, fig. 15 the internal structure of the cortina, fig. 16 the basal view.)

Dimensions.—Shell 0.1 long, 0.12 broad.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Station 274, depth 2750 fathoms.

4. Pteroscenium spinulosum, n. sp.

Shell campanulate, spinulate, about as long as broad, with small and numerous irregular polygonal pores, very similar to the preceding species, but differing in the more slender form of