Page:Scientific results HMS Challenger vol 18 part 2.djvu/582

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5. Phormocampe mitra, n. sp.

Shell broadly campanulate, conical, about as broad as long, with five internal annular septa. Length of the six joints gradually increasing. Cephalis flat, cap-shaped, with a short, bristle-shaped, conical horn. Pores small and numerous, regular, hexagonal, with thin bars. Peristome with a coronal of forty to fifty divergent, bristle-shaped feet, about as long as the last joint.

Dimensions.—Length of the shell (with six joints) 0.16, of the last joint 0.05; breadth 0.18.

Habitat.—North Pacific, Station 235 (off Japan), surface.

6. Phormocampe conus, n. sp.

Shell slenderly conical, three times as long as broad, with thirteen distinct strictures. Length of the fourteen joints nearly equal. Breadth gradually increasing towards the mouth. Cephalis hemispherical, with a slender, conical, curved horn of three times the length. Pores small and numerous, regular, circular. Peristome with a coronal of twenty to thirty slightly divergent, bristle-shaped feet, twice as long as the last joint.

Dimensions.—Length of the shell (with fourteen joints) 0.22, of each joint (on an average) 0.016; basal breadth 0.08.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 297, surface.

Genus 638. Artophormis,[1] Haeckel, 1881, Prodromus, p. 438.

Definition.Stichophormida (vel Stichocyrtida multiradiata aperta) with ovate or spindle-shaped shell, bearing in its wall numerous lateral ribs, which are prolonged into terminal feet. Mouth constricted.

The genus Artophormis and the following Cyrtophormis differ from the two preceding genera in the ovate form of the shell, which tapers in breadth towards the constricted mouth. It differs from the similar Alacorys in the greater number of the shell-joints, this being four or more.

1. Artophormis horrida, n. sp. (Pl. 75, fig. 2).

Shell slenderly ovate, spiny, with three deep strictures, twice as long as broad. Length of the four joints = 2 : 5 : 6 : 7. Whole surface covered with strong conical spines. Six prominent, longitudinal ribs, decurrent from the cephalis to the mouth, are armed with larger spines, which in the upper joints are directed upwards, in the lower downwards. The six ribs are prolonged over the constricted mouth into six stout, conical feet. Cephalis subspherical, with a conical horn and some smaller spines. Pores circular, of very different sizes.

  1. Artophormis = Bread-basket; ἄρτος, φορμίς.