Page:Scientific results HMS Challenger vol 18 part 2.djvu/623

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9. Eusyringium siphonostoma, n. sp. (Pl. 80, fig. 14).

Shell with eight joints, in the upper half slender, conical, in the lower half cylindrical. The single joints are separated by seven internal annular septa. The third and the seventh joints are the largest, twice as long as the three intercalated joints. Cephalis small, cap-shaped, with a conical horn of twice the length. The last joint (broken off in the specimen figured) is a narrow cylindrical tube, one-third as long and one-third as broad as the shell. Pores regular, circular, quincuncial.

Dimensions.—Length of the shell (with eight joints) 0.24, breadth 0.08; length of the single joints 0.02 to 0.04; breadth of the basal tube 0.03.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Station 272, depth 2600 fathoms.

10. Eusyringium cannostoma, n. sp. (Pl. 80, fig. 13).

Shell with nine or ten joints, slender ovate. The single joints are separated by eight or nine internal annular septa. The third joint is the longest, about twice or three times as long as each following joint. Cephalis hemispherical, with a curved, conical horn of the same length. The last joint is a narrow, cylindrical tube, about as long as the third joint, but only one-fourth as broad. Pores small, regular, circular, quincuncially disposed, and hexagonally framed.

Dimensions.—Length of the shell (with ten joints) 0.22, breadth 0.08; length of the third joint 0.04, of the other joints 0.01 to 0.02, of the basal tube 0.04; breadth of the latter 0.02.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Station 271, depth 2425 fathoms.

Genus 649. Siphocampe,[1] Haeckel, 1881, Prodromus, p. 438.

Definition.Stichocorida (vel Stichocyrtida eradiata aperta) with ovate or spindle-shaped shell, the mouth of which is constricted, but not prolonged into a tube. Cephalis with an oblique, open, apical tube.

The genus Siphocampe differs from the closely allied genera Lithocampe and Eucyrtidium in a very remarkable character, viz., the development of a hollow cylindrical tube on the cephalis. This probably serves for the emission of a bunch of pseudopodia. It has the same position and the same oblique direction on the cephalis as the solid apical horn of Eucyrtidium.

Subgenus 1. Siphocampula, Haeckel.

Definition.—All joints of the shell (excepting the first) are nearly equal in length.

  1. Siphocampe = Caterpillar with a tube; σίφων, κάμπη.