Page:Scientific results HMS Challenger vol 18 part 2.djvu/717

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the diameter of the shell; they are longitudinally striped in the basal part, spinulate or reticulately dimpled in the distal part; sometimes they are straight, at other times curved or undulate (Pl. 106, figs. 1-4; Pl. 107, figs. 4-6). The slender rod-shaped spines are usually longer than the diameter of the shell, cylindrical, more or less curved or even undulate, smooth or thorny, sometimes irregularly branched, and often the branches are all or partly connected (Pl. 106, fig. 3; Pl. 107, fig. 1). In the majority of the shells observed the radial spines were found to be partly broken off. Their structure is the same as that of the bars of the network; but the central axial canal and the surrounding concentric lamellæ are usually more distinct than in the latter.

The central capsule of the Orosphærida lies in the centre of the spherical lattice-shell, surrounded by the voluminous calymma, which fills up its cavity. The form, structure, and size of the central capsule are the same as in the closely allied Aulosphærida (Pl. 111, fig. 2). Its diameter is usually about 0.2, or between 0.15 and 0.25, rarely more than 0.3 or less than 0.12. The dark phæodium is of about the same volume as the central capsule, and envelops its oral half with the radiate operculum and the proboscis of the astropyle. The two opposite parapylæ are small.

Synopsis of the Genera of Orosphærida.

I. Subfamily Oronida. Surface of the shell without pyramidal or tent-shaped elevations. Surface smooth, without radial spines, 671. Orona.
Surface studded with simple or branched radial spines, 672. Orosphæra.
II. Subfamily Oroscenida. Surface of the shell with numerous pyramidal or tent-shaped elevations. Pyramids of the surface free, without spongy envelope, 673. Oroscena.
Pyramids of the surface connected by a spongy envelope or an external lattice-shell, 674. Oroplegma.

Genus 671. Orona,[1] n. gen.

Definition.Orosphærida with a simple spherical or slightly ellipsoidal shell, without pyramidal elevations and radial spines.

The genus Orona is the simplest of the Orosphærida, and probably the common ancestral form of this family. The lattice-shell is a simple fenestrated sphere, sometimes slightly ellipsoidal, with prolonged main axis, and bears on its surface neither tent-shaped elevations nor radial spines. It may be confounded with some big forms of Cenosphæra; it differs, however, in the possession of hollow central canals in the thick bars of the very coarse lattice-plate.

  1. Orona = Hilly or tuberculate shell; ὄρος, ὠνή.