Page:Scofield Reference Bible Notes 1917.djvu/19

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which condition life and salvation, and about which all Scripture crystallizes, has seven elements. The man and woman in Eden were responsible:

  • (1) To replenish the earth with a new order--man;
  • (2) to subdue the earth to human uses;
  • (3) to have dominion over the animal creation;
  • (4) to eat herbs and fruits;
  • (5) to till and keep the garden;
  • (6) to abstain from eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil;
  • (7) the penalty--death. See, for the other seven covenants:

ADAMIC (See Scofield "Genesis 3:14")
NOAHIC (See Scofield "Genesis 9:1")
ABRAHAMIC (See Scofield "Genesis 15:18")
MOSAIC (See Scofield "Exodus 19:25")
PALESTINIAN (See Scofield "Deuteronomy 30:3")
DAVIDIC (See Scofield "2 Samuel 7:16")
NEW (See Scofield "Hebrews 8:8")


Verse 3

In the O.T. the same Hebrew word (qodesh) is translated sanctify, consecrate, dedicate, and holy. It means, set apart for the service of God. See refs. following "Sanctify," (See Scofield "Genesis 2:3").

Verse 4

Lord God
LORD (Heb. Jehovah)

  • (1) The primary meaning of the name LORD (Jehovah) is the "self-existent One." Literally (as in Exodus 3:14), "He that is who He is, therefore the eternal I AM:"

But Havah, from which Jehovah, or Yahwe, is formed, signifies also "to become," that is, to become known, thus pointing to a continuous and increasing self-revelation. Combining these meanings of Havah, we arrive at the meaning of the name Jehovah. He is "the self- existent One who reveals Himself." The name is, in itself, an advance upon the name "God" (El, Elah, Elohim), which suggests certain attributes of Deity, as strength, etc., rather than His essential being.

  • (2) It is significant that the first appearance of the name Jehovah in Scripture follows the creation of man. It was God (Elohim) who said, "Let us make man in our image" (Genesis 1:26); but when man, as in the second chapter of Genesis, is to fill the scene and become dominant over creation, it is the Lord God (Jehovah Elohim) who acts. This clearly indicates a special relation of Deity, in His Jehovah character, to man, and all Scripture emphasizes this.
  • (3) Jehovah is distinctly the redemption name of Deity. When sin entered and redemption became necessary, it was Jehovah Elohim who sought the sinning ones Genesis 3:9-13 and clothed them with "coats of skins" Genesis 3:21 a beautiful type of righteousness provided by the Lord God through sacrifice Romans 3:21,22. The first distinct revelation of Himself by His name Jehovah was in connection with the redemption of the covenant people out of Egypt Exodus 3:13-17. As Redeemer, emphasis is laid upon those attributes of Jehovah which the sin and salvation of man bring into exercise. These are:
  • (a) His holiness Leviticus 11:44,45; 19:1,2 20:26; Habakkuk 1:12,13 (b) His hatred and judgment of sin ; Deuteronomy 32:35-42; Genesis 6:5-7; Psalms 11:4-6; 66:18; Exodus 34:6,7 (c) His love for and redemption of sinners, but always righteously ; Genesis 3:21; 8:20,21; Exodus 12:12,13; Leviticus 16:2,3; Isaiah 53:5,6,10 Salvation by Jehovah apart from sacrifice is unknown to Scripture.