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tempted her to get it, and no doubt the deel wad get her for the getting it; laſt of all the miniſter he fell a enquiring how ſhe got it, which run the poor laſs out of all patience about the getting of it; ſays the prieſt, Tell me plainly where it was gotten? I tell you, ſaid ſhe, that it was gotten in the byre, at a cow's ſtake, and what other place do you want to ken about? But, ſaid he, he did not tie you to the cow's ſtake? No, ſaid ſhe. I did not need any tying. And how far was it between the byre and the houſe? Juſt but and ben, up and down two ſteps of a ſtane ſtair. Then, ſays the prieſt, why did you not cry to the folks in the houſe? Indeed, Sir, ſaid ſhe, I could not get cried for laughing at it.

An ld Soldier being on a furlough from the north of Scotland, having got no bre klaſt tell very hungry by the way, and no ale houſe being near, came to a farmer's houſe, and aſk'd if they would All him ſome bread, or any kind of victuals? To which the ſurly goodwife reply'd. She never ſold any bread, and he was not going to begin with him, he