Page:Scotch proverbs, or, The wise sayings of the old people of Scotland.pdf/5

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Better be envied than pitied.
Better be alane than in ill company.
Better be idle than ill employed.
Better belly burst than good meat spill;
Better buy than borrow.
Better day the better deed.
Better find iron than tine siller.
Better had by a hair than draw with a tether.
Better hand-loose than in an ill tethering.
Better kiss a knave than cast out wi’ him.
Better keep well than make well.
Better lang something than soon naithing.
Better leave to my faes than beg frae my friends.
Better rue fit than rue slit.
Better sit idle than work for nought.
Better skaith sav’d than mends made.
Better sma fish than nae fish.
Better the ill ken’d than the good unken’d.
Better to had than draw.
Better wait on the cook than the doctor.
Better wear shoon than sheets.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Birth’s good, but breeding’s better.
Blind men shou’d na judge of colours.
Blood’s thicker than water.
Burnt bairns the fire dreads.

Cadgers have ay mind of lade saddles.
Cast a bane in the de’il’s teeth.
Charity begins at hame.
Come unca’d sits unserv’d.
Come to my hand like the bowl of a pint(illegible text).
Come with the wind and gae wi’ the water.
Confess debt and crave day.
Corn him well he'll work the better.
Count again is not forbidden.
Count siller after a’ your kin.
Count like Jews and gree like brethren.
Counsel is nae command.
Credit keeps the crown of the causeway.