Page:Scotish Descriptive Poems - Leyden (1803).djvu/69

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May pour their fury on an open foe,
Nor weave in secret plots their country's woe.
Yet those of miscreant soul, who grace refuse,
Despise our counsel, and our love abuse,
Shall know what justice and our trust demand;
Nor shall the vengeance loiter in our hand.
But ah! why should his much-loved sons conspire
Against the life of their indulgent fire?
If griefs oppress, my children may demand, 480
Assured relief from their dear father's hand.
Then freely ask; and let my people know,
For them my wealth, for them my blood shall flow."
The father of his people thus exprest
The generous dictates of his noble breast.
Remorse and reverence every bosom tamed;
The just revered, the guilty stood ashamed;
Duteous obedience discontent succeeds:
Such reverence still consummate virtue breeds!
Here Hazelrig the spouse of Wallace flew; 490
His sword for vengeance here the hero drew.
Wretch! bid thy sighted son redress demand,
As suits a warrior, from his rival's hand:
On me exhaust thy coward rage, nor dare
To wreck thy wrath on the defenceless fair.