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John Falkirk's Witty Jokes.

knee, wherewith to hold their egg in when hot, when supper was over; the priest looked down between his legs, and seeing the white cloth, thought it was his own shirt tail; and very slyly staps it into his breeches, bit and bit, which the lady and her maid observed, but was ashamed to challenge him, so home he went with the servet in his breeches, and knew nothing of it till going to bed, when it fell from him: his wife enquired how he came by it, he could not tell, but was surprised how he came to have more bulk in his breeches than formerly, but perceiving the name they sent it back again, the priest pleaded to be excused, owned himself only a thief through ignorance.

As two maids were coming from the milking of their cows, one of them stepping over a stile, fell and spilled the whole pail-full of milk from her head. O said she, what will I do, what will I do, O said the other maid, let it go, who can help it now, you can't make it up again, it is not your maiden-head: my maiden-head, said she, if it were my maiden-head, I would think nothing of it, many many a time, I have lost my maiden-head with great pleasure and I got it ay again, it came back ay to its ain place again, but I'll never gather up my milk again.

A great drover who frequented a public inn in the north of England as he passed and repassed, agreed with the servant maid of