Page:Scott's Last Expedition, Volume 1.djvu/514

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Taylor and Nelson left at the Razor Back Island and report all well. Simpson, Meares, and Gran continued and have not yet returned.

Gran just back on ski; left party at 5¼ miles. Says Meares and Simpson are returning on foot. Reports a bad bit of surface between Tent Island and Glacier Tongue. It was well that the party had assistance to cross this.

This winter travel is a new and bold venture, but the right men have gone to attempt it. All good luck go with them!

Coal Consumption

Bowers reports that present consumption (midwinter)

= 4 blocks per day (100 lbs.).

An occasional block is required for the absolute magnetic hut.

He reports 8½ tons used since landing. This is in excess of 4 blocks per day as follows:

8½ tons in 150 days = 127 lbs. per diem.
= 889 lbs. per week, or nearly 8 cwt.
= 20½ tons per year.

Report August 4.

Used to date = 9 tons = 20,160 lbs.
Say 190 days at 106 lbs. per day.
Coal remaining 20½ tons.
Estimate 8 tons to return of ship.
Total estimate for year, 17 tons. We should have
13 or 14 tons for next year.